Digital Designer / Art Director

adidas 1 Summer (2005)
AGENCY | Carat
CLIENT | Adidas
CATEGORY | Online Ad Campaign
INVOLVEMENT (5 as the highest)
Concept/Strategy 4
Design/Art Direction 4
Animation/Execution 5
“adidas 1” was one of the biggest online global launch for Adidas in 2005. After the successful online campaign in January, Adidas decided to do another US campaign to introduce the woman version of this “First intelligent shoe”. The difficult part was to squeeze two more images and description into a 30k ad with a good story behind it. This is one of the most impossible tasks among all works I have ever done. However, it turns out to be another successful ad which told the complete technical story with also a human touch with a woman running.
On the MSN Today Pane version, we actually added some interactive features that the user can rollover and see the details of the shoe.